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Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Many people already had warned.
The warnings Were There, for Anyone Who would read or hear ... but it has not Helped.
In the end, I have returned to happen again.
They Have returned to tease the Spanish population.
Again, They Have done a brilliant maneuver of social manipulation.
A manipulation Which, however, you has-been more than evident from the beginning.
In our previous articles we Discussed Suspicions About some of the new political parties Appeared in Spain, Especially in cases of can and Citizens .
Were not our Suspicions focused on the political parties Themselves, or Their leaders, or Alleged Their ideologies.
From one point of view, the emergence of new political alternatives should be cause for celebration in any democracy and a crisis of confidence when produced in the traditional parties.
His appearance, therefore, be considered as logical and predictable.
What has not been so logical and what led us to suspect, is the exceptional media exposure that these parties have been submitted and more specifically, the television promotion of their respective leaders.
It was so obvious, so blatant, so gross and so excessive maneuver, it seems incredible that the population has swallowed a pill like this.
Most people, faced with the emergence of a new political leader, used to focus on their appearance, in their attitude, in his speech and in his alleged political or ideological principles.
That is, in all those aspects that adorn apparent political.
And it is precisely by doing this, when we all fall into deception.
To really know who is a political leader and his party, we must also look at how it is promoted in the media.
Be aware of how tempos are followed, what level of media exposure has, how many and which media are involved in their promotion and above all, what role the leader and the party for the operation of the entire system as a whole, regardless to declare what the leader or ideology that we sell.
We must be aware that the mass media are a direct reflection of the interests of those who harbor the real power and therefore, anything that appears in the media, has a function of social engineering and serving the interests of the most powerful.
And this is so for a simple reason: the media are in the hands of large economic and financial powers, they are the only ones who can afford the high costs of television production.
Some will assert, with some reason, that any person or group can reach occasionally appear on radio or television and expose what he thinks, with a certain degree of freedom.
But if you express such person or group is not convenient to the powers, we can rest assured that your appearance will be punctual and never again make an appearance before the cameras, if not to be discredited.
In the world of big media, nobody is continuously given space to express its views if their ideas are uncomfortable or threatening the foundations of the system.
Some will always be arguing on television what prevails is the audience and the characters boob those that concern the public and generate business shows.
But this reasoning, it seems logical, does not conform to the reality of things, at least when it comes to political or social control.
And the examples abound.
Anarchists will not see the talk shows, nor will see anti-system groups, even pacifists who are constantly promoted in the mainstream media.
And that though undoubtedly his radical views would much play, would be controversial, would raise passions for and against, and therefore generate audience and the corresponding business.
This means that, at least in regard to politics, the ratings are not what prevails: what determines the media promotion of a leader of a party or ideology, is its relevance to the interests of status quo and financial power that controls the media; that is, its value as a tool of social manipulation.
Understood something as obvious as this, we can begin to question the rise and Citizens can and try to guess what is the role that has been assigned to each of these games.
And is that if we and its leader Pablo Iglesias, is a paradigmatic example of everything stated above.
As mentioned in Article SO IS MADE future leaders , the sudden appearance of Pablo Iglesias in political gatherings of all major television networks in the country, we could only qualify as "premeditated media flood"
... Suddenly began to make an appearance at the Sixth (property Atresmedia group) in four (owned by the Mediaset group), in the far-right strings Intereconomía and 13 TV and of course, in Spanish Television, through its channel 24 hours.
It was then, once it reached the media stardom, so generously gifted by the great mass media, that Pablo Iglesias emerged as the most visible face of a new political project appeared from nowhere: WE CAN, which, not surprisingly, is He continued to offer a huge media presence, although such training had just been founded and had never submitted to an election.

Before an operation of this scale propaganda, so obvious and unsubtle and knowing that the mass media in the service of power did not open the door to uncomfortable characters, the question that anyone with half a brain should ask is: Why he was promoted to Pablo Iglesias as we can?
What goals are hidden behind a move like this?
It is becoming increasingly clear that we had a function of social engineering to meet ... and viewed the latest developments, the mission that was entrusted to the party of Pablo Iglesias has been fulfilled and we are already dispensable.
And it is that as we suspected, we function was aborted revolution in Spain, or at least an uprising or a popular reaction of the Spanish population, that may be uncontrollable and dangerous for the system and power groups.
The level of putrefaction and absolutely intolerable corruption of the big parties, their servile and flagrant financial and banking powers submission, the constant cuts of rights and freedoms, shame politically controlled judiciary and scandals of the royal family, together with social instability resulting from the economic crisis, representing an explosive cocktail, a pressure cooker that could explode at any moment unpredictably.
It was just at that moment of maximum pressure when social tension threatened to break the seams of the system when Pablo Iglesias made his brilliant media appearance as a divine envoy, spitting right and left all that they cried citizens in the streets; He spoke on behalf of the indignant masses of the country and appeared in all gatherings, wiping out the government, caste and their spokespersons, as a super-hero of the people.
How convenient!
It came at the right time and the population or just wondered where it came from, or why all means, controlled by those against whom both protested, they opened the doors without the slightest opposition.
It's the same thing happens in a puppet show for children: children are secured in the puppet, in how it moves and what it says, but hardly wonder who controls the doll, who has mounted the stage and who has written script of the play.
With its perfectly weighted to give the ears of the indignant speech, Pablo Iglesias quickly emerged as the pastor able to gather the sheep and return them to the fold of the enthusiasm for the "democratic change".
With her ​​clear voice and his almost messianic presence seemed to say: "Your man deceive you. I come with me, I will be your pastor, I will take you to the best pastures and I try to respect, because I am also a sheep like all of you and understand your problems ".
And he did just as the sheep began to wonder: "Why are we going to fold? Why do we need a shepherd? Why do we tolerate the dog that barks us? "
Indeed, the most dangerous and inconvenient questions that can get to be a sheep.
Despite being only a crude metaphor, this is exactly what they have done and we Pablo Iglesias.
This implies that we received strong media momentum threw in the polls, now, after completing their mission, they need to see that momentum is slowed, if at the time.
And this is something that we are already beginning to see.
The same powers that once we have promoted media-are now promoted by the media to a party that acts as anti-body that basically is dedicated to rob potential voters to the party of Pablo Iglesias.
Obviously, we are talking about citizens and its leader pre-fabricated (and possibly installed in the basement of a bank), Albert Rivera.
Many people think that this is an overly "conspiranoica" of political reality, but the clearest demonstration that are occurring all these maneuvers and that the same media controlled by the powers that drove we, are now focused on slow its ascent, we find in the case of journalist Four, Jesus Cintora.
Cintora Jesus has been for months, the great champion of propaganda and media can.
Cintora-mornings to four
Cintora became host of the television program "Four mornings", just when the program looked completely overshadowed by competition from other broadcasters.
For months, Cintora propaganda made an arduous task for we (that many times, embarrassing reached limits) and thus managed to raise the audience ránquings your program to make it a leader in its time slot.
No longer as suspect, precisely when Cintora and program leaders were hearing, the chain has decided to fire him.
This fact, by itself, confirms everything we have said previously in this article.
To begin with, shows that in terms of politics, television obey the interests of their masters, bypassing the ránquings audience and therefore their own business, which means that their primary function is not make money but propaganda exercise vehicle and tool for social manipulation of the masses at the power set.
On the other hand, the expulsion of Cintora, the great propagandist can coincides curiously with the moment in which we can already fulfilled its anesthetic mission on society and its ascent must be stopped at all costs before it becomes a problem.
Perhaps the poor Cintora not understand what happened, like many supporters can base, which still must ask why his party and its leaders, who were the stars of all the gatherings, are suddenly overshadowed by Citizens, whose members have moved the media show of a nudge.
For citizens
So far we have focused on what appears to be the rise can predesigned and its leader, Pablo Iglesias.
But any consideration of manipulation that can make on pales before the blatant case of Citizens and its leader, Albert Rivera, that possibly represent the most embarrassing case of manufacturing an artificial leader of the history of Spanish democracy and probably, European.
In fact, the level of mass manipulation surrounding the figure of Albert Rivera and his party are so shameless, that probably arouse admiration and envy in the elites of other countries, where the powers that be or not believe that might exist so highly manipulable as the Spanish population.
It's really hard to justify the media omnipresence of Albert Rivera as a political figure.
Albert Rivera has been invited and interviewed in all major radio and television, like a great national leader were: Cuatro, La Sexta, Antena 3 Spanish television Telecinco, 13 TV, Intereconomia, Cadena Ser Onda Cero chain COPE ...
However, his media profile is inversely proportional to their real political weight to date.
When the mass media promotion throughout Spain, his party, Citizens enjoyed only representation in a regional parliament, Catalonia, which reached the "prodigious" amount of 9 deputies about 135 in total that has the Catalan parliament began, "astronomical" amount of 275000 votes and an "inconceivable" amount of seven councilors in total throughout Catalonia, on over 9000 possible councils.
So the free and unjustified promotion of enjoying right now Albert Rivera as a political leader, is unprecedented in just over 30 years of Spanish democracy.

These comments referred to the current media promotion of Rivera and his party in Spain.
However, where you really can better detect evidence that Albert Rivera and his party have been pre-fabricated and driven by the great powers of the country, it is in his first political steps in Catalonia ...
... If there is something that is even more suspicious that your current media to Spanish national, irruption is his initial appearance as autonomous political figure.
Seldom it has seen a more generous in Catalonia promoting a party and a political leader than had Albert Rivera in 2006.
Recall that neither he nor his party Citizens had never submitted to election of any kind, either at national or regional level, not just local.
His experience, therefore was null and we could say that "did not know anyone."
Citizens was one of many political movements that appear everywhere and the mainstream media never echo.
However, Rivera was interviewed by the great Catalan media: TV3, Catalunya Radio, RAC 1 (Godo group) and could give out, free and well funded, all his political views, without, surprisingly, lift the slightest suspicion among voters.
Perhaps, as in the case of Pablo Iglesias, it is due to his extraordinary oratorical skills or his combination of youth and good looks.
Or maybe it's because that was part of the legal services of La Caixa, the giant financial institution that represents the real power in Catalonia and has as used to the Infanta Cristina, the daughter of the King of Spain.
That same Caixa which was kindly granted to Albert Rivera a leave so that he could stand in the elections of 2006.

As we see, the free and unjustified media promotion of Albert Rivera has enjoyed since its inception is more than evident and touches the limit of shame. And more when compared with the hundreds of political parties in the country, appeared out of nowhere and it was the time citizens and have never enjoyed even the slightest media presence.
But make no mistake.
Let's not hypocrisy.
The force behind Albert Rivera (other than the right-wing media and banks), has been his political position at the Catalan independence.
If Pablo Iglesias appeared promptly at the time of senior citizen backlash against the government, to take advantage of that outrage and vehicularla for their own benefit, timely Albert Rivera appeared in the moment of greatest splendor in Catalonia independence and could benefit thereby feeling anti-independence rejection of Spanish nationalists.
In fact, citizens and particularly Albert Rivera, feed almost exclusively the anti-independence sentiment (and in some cases, anti-Catalan), much of the Spanish population; It is the fuel that drives the engine of Citizens.
And that leads us to draw interesting conclusions.
If you look closely, Citizens and Rivera, have been "fallow" for months.
During its early years, the media presence of Citizens has been basically limited to Catalonia; even in the first months of nationwide presence, no one except the ultra-conservative media, we have paid much attention to Rivera and his party.
Given that the figure of Rivera feeds strong anti-independence sentiment that prevails in much of Spain, one might have expected that he will promote Spanish level much earlier, as an alternative to the major parties (PP and PSOE) , coinciding with the greater splendor of Catalan independence demonstrations, which have served as his momentum.
Had that happened, Rivera would have been able to promote his party as a national alternative, while it did with Pablo Iglesias can and then we probably would not have reached the level of monitoring and vehicular popularity allowed him the indignation of the masses, he would have been forced to share part of their "profits" in popularity and voters Citizens from the beginning.
However, initially, the media can bet exclusively.
And that brings us to strengthen even more, we have been exposing the arguments in this article.
We may, for their own social characteristics, was the only party that could grab and redirect all this outrage to abort the possible uncontrolled social explosion.
If citizens had been touted by the media while we, his presence would have weakened the party of Pablo Iglesias, it would have caused confusion and we would have failed in its mission to bring together the "outraged flock."
The masses may not have had pissed a clear reference to cling to, they would not have arranged an exciting project for Immediate Action to leave and therefore, the danger of an uncontrollable popular uprising, would not have dissolved.
Therefore, it becomes clear that citizens and Albert Rivera have been kept "in reserve" until we have fulfilled its mission.
It was then when, fulfilled function can arrival time to clip the wings of the party of Churches, has been removed from the refrigerator to Albert Rivera, it has put it in the microwave and has served the people well warm through the mass media, we can displace aside.
As we see, the tempos and the choice of times, are essential to manipulate the masses.
And everyone can see it with your own eyes.
It seems as if, suddenly, television and radio talk shows have been ordered to promote Albert Rivera and citizens, in the same way that once seemed they received the order to promote Pablo Iglesias and able.
Thus, they have not only managed to displace the party of Churches, a tool that has outlived its usefulness for the great powers, but also citizens becomes the life of the two major parties in the country.
For what reason?
Because it is expected that the two great political mafias in the country, PP and PSOE, voters lost because of his innumerable cases of corruption and political putrefaction of their leaders.
The PP is immersed in rampant corruption, an endless barrage of lies and marathon repressive policies toward the population, more typical of a dictatorship than a democracy.
For its part, the PSOE is also engaged in scandalous corruption cases and if that were not enough, is led by a clown with the same personality as a mannequin of El Corte Ingles.
Therefore, hundreds of thousands of votes from both parties how well they serve the system may be lost or end up in "wrong hands".
And that's where Albert Rivera appears as savior of the situation.
Citizens conveyed its success mainly through the anti-independence nationalist sentiment and Spanish, a feature it shares fully with the PP and the PSOE and it is this shared feature, which allows voters disillusioned with both parties (and much of the ultra-right) end up leading to the formation of Albert Rivera.
As we see, this is a set of simple political maneuvering, but perfectly designed, whose function is basically kept intact, while the population is convinced by the media, that things are changing system everything is moving.
This whole set of manipulations is based entirely on managing the emotions of people and large groups.
Nationalist feelings, hopes, ideological rejections, angers, desires and different manifestations of cowardice of individuals and the masses are manipulated.
All it takes very simple spring action, linked to patriotic or ideological visceral, fueling hatred of the enemy shifts.
Something that is achieved through those nasty political gatherings of the mass media, whose sole function is to act as propagandists to manipulate the weak mind of the masses.
What is most unfortunate is that most people still believe in the alleged political ideologies that we sell big media, like cosmetic products that make up our mind.
Even some people think, the victim of the most touching of innocence, there are chains of progressive or conservative television and that these chains are owned by people who defend ideas and political interests through them.
People believe this nonsense because they are easily distracted by the antics of the puppets that show them on the screen; the Wyomings, the Indas, the Évoles or Maruendas shift.
The mass is mesmerized by the words of the puppet and does not ask who is behind it all.
It is something that many people, still struggling to understand: those who control the mass media of masses, go completely from politics.
Those who really capture power, know that the political passions and ideologies of the left and right are for the poor and for the imbecile, the same way they were religious values ​​and sins before.
Here we have the examples of two major media groups: Grupo Godo and Atresmedia, that speak of clear and transparent way, act and think about how economic and how people in the street were to be seduced by their maneuvers elites.
Javier Godó, (III Conde de Godo and of Spain), is president of the Godó Group and one of the largest employers in the country.
Their links with the business elite of the country are remarkable and usually you can see in the meetings of the business lobby "Air Bridge", a group of business leaders who have shown very publicly opposed to the independence of Catalonia.
Photo Lobby "Airlift".  They Recognize That the Conde Godo permanently Maintains a slanted view of reality
Photo Lobby "Airlift". They recognize the Conde Godo that permanently maintains a slanted view of reality
One might think, therefore, that the Conde de Godo has a very specific ideology and the communications group chaired act in accordance with such ideological bent.
Well, nothing further from reality.
To take three examples, we can say that within the Godó Group are integrated newspaper La Vanguardia, the radio station RAC-1 and regional TV 8TV.
The newspaper La Vanguardia is characterized by a strong conservative, basically contrary to the independence of Catalonia; However, the radio station, audience leader in Catalonia, RAC-1 has a strong independence and progressive tone in many of its programs, while television 8TV is a strange hybrid of both worlds, which can be alternated outbursts with opinions bitterly opposed independence.
This shows that the Conde de Godo has no problem keeping under its umbrella a conservative and anti-independence newspaper and also an independence leader station radio.
Similarly, the Atresmedia group, owned by the Lara family, a family tradition right (if not ultra-right), owns two television networks well together disparate ideological level: Antena3 TV, a string PP next conservative tendencies and Sixth, the iconic chain allegedly "liberal" and constant scourge of Popular Party government.
Thus, examples of Godó Group and Atresmedia, it follows that powerful business in this country who control the media, have "one foot on either side." Promote both the independence and anti-independence; promote both conservatives and progressives.
That is, simultaneously they control both ideological spectrum, offering the respective public who follow them, captivated by the respective ideologies, that product they crave to remain manipulated convenience.
And in reality, it is very easy to manipulate the masses.
It does not take a master's degree in psychology at Harvard to manipulate the population, or have studied in secret institutes with advanced and esoteric knowledge; not only need to have a privileged intelligence.
Much of the success in controlling the population, is to limit the ability of distance between individuals and the overview ...
Limit the ability of detachment is that most people are unable to distance themselves from the media noise of everyday life.
We are constantly bombarded with a new ration of political controversy, with a new case of corruption that splashes to a party, with a new high-sounding declaration of a puppet, raising blisters on one sector or another; just we hypnotized by the constant crossing of statements, accusations and answers, with which we are inundated by news and talk shows.
This incessant bombardment of information policy, linked to the likes and phobias generated by each faction, just flooding the minds of people and collapsing their emotions, perfectly planned and conveyed through hate the political enemy.
Each day a specific and concrete new news on which to place our share of momentary indignation, so we never got to condense all our irritation, all our anger or our entire rejection comes, and we rise above the daily anecdote to achieve overview leading to global strategies.
We are unable to distance ourselves from our own ideological tendencies and that prevents us from observing the different political parties and leaders, not by what they say or assert, or their alleged political ideologies but by their role within the system.
If people had not been carried away by the passions unleashed in different talk shows and high-sounding declarations of each other, everyone would have realized that political parties and leaders who are now trying to sell as alternatives alleged, in fact they are playing a role in serving the same powers as always.
But most people do not want to accept it, it is more obvious and even though I have in front of their noses.
They prefer to be hypnotized by the pim-pam-pum of the day of the talk shows, like a chicken is hypnotized looking at a line drawn on the floor.
And it is that deep down, most people, whether liberal or conservative, are in favor of the current government or its most bitter detractors, what they want, above all, it is to have a pastor who faithfully follow.
We know that in all countries there are sheep; but we also know that not all breeds of sheep are equal and have the same characteristics.
For that reason, in Spain we should be especially proud: our sheep are not particularly interesting or offer the best wool, but nobody can argue is that your borreguismo is absolutely legendary ...

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